Being an Advisor, an educator or a partner for the family is about: Knowledge, Intent, Team, Technology & Leadership. These are individual parameters and it is paramount to grow and learn in each of these factors.
Our journey of learning never stops:
One such experience which will always be etched in our memory forever is our meeting with Former Indian Test Captain, Former Captain for Rajasthan Royals, Former Captain for Team Karnataka, The Backbone of Indian Batting, the WALL – Mr. Rahul Dravid!
Spending 40 uninterrupted and undivided minutes with him personally was truly a life altering experience. As an advisor, a parent and an entrepreneur, it was only right for me to share the single most positive moment of my life (including my journey as an entrepreneur). This interaction has impacted my life positively and made me re-look at myself, internally!
Life Learnings | Team Leader | Leadership | Leadership Lessons | Life Lessons shared by
Mr. Dravid are Lessons on Life and we wish to share with you.
Timing: Mr. Dravid reached the venue 5 minutes before our scheduled meeting time.
Being Punctual or reaching before times shows that you have respect for your client, you have respect for your time and most importantly that you respect yourself.
How we are in our Personal Life is often how we act in our business or professional life. Being on time also reflects that we are Prepared, we have thought through this meeting: shows Respect.
Courtesy: As respect, he switched off his phone for our meeting.
Time is the single most powerful gift you can give anyone. Sharing or Compartmentalizing time does not mean being physically there. It is about being available in the moment, giving your undivided attention.
Switching off our phone before a meeting reflects that we value our client’s or team’s time.
Waiter Names: He addresses both waiters by their first name.
Make an effort. Remember their name. Show respect and treat everyone with dignity.
Remembering names of family members and children (clients & team) reflects that we are truly interested in their well being.
Remembering Names: Mr. Dravid made an extra effort to learn our names during the course of the meeting. Since it was our first meeting, he found ways to ask my name and made an extra effort to address me directly by the end of our meeting.
During interactions, address the client or team member by name. Show them that even though new, their time means a lot to you.
The action of asking for your name and treating you as an equal reflects that you care.
Gentle Demeanor: He was so gentle and calm. Unlike most wealthy individuals who make us feel they are doing us a favor by giving their time.
Being famous, wealthy or highly educated does not give anyone the right to be rude, obnoxious or derogatory to anybody. So what if he is world famous or worth 500 crores, he stood up and greeted me. He asked me for tea or coffee, he asked me about my interests.
The gentle demeanor and empathy reflects that ego and arrogance does not breed loyalty.
Calm & Calculative: Before speaking, every thought is calculated to not hurt anyone’s ego or feelings. Being wealthy or famous does not mean one should be brash or condescending.
Being kind and calculative with his feedback and words reflects a sense of care and nurture.
Family Oriented: His drive in life is to be there for his children and provide them with the best possible future by planning for their Education, Marriage, Homes, Cars, Vacations etc.
Setting the right priorities, understanding what is important to you versus what works for others will define your happiness. Team is Family, understand that!
Being family oriented reflects his sense of loyalty and confidence.
Avid Planner: Even though Mr. Dravid might be worth a lot of money, each Financial Goal is carefully taken into consideration and money is strategically invested to meet each goal.
Planning ahead, covering worse case scenarios is important in any profession or with our finances.
Planning ahead, being prudent defines our Risk Appetite and Risk Tolerance levels
No Ego: When he did not understand a technical term, instead of acting like he understood everything, his immediate response was, ‘Sorry, can you please explain this point again’.
Being a leader, a spouse or a team member, listening is the greatest asset. Listen First, Speak later. Listen to understand!
Continuous learning and the ability to highlight our drawbacks is both empowering and liberating for our family and our team.
Loyal: Working with various banks & financial advisers, Mr. Dravid was honest and clear that he is a loyal person and will give people multiple chances to prove themselves.
Be loyal to your Goals, be Loyal to your adviser.
Being loyal in the good times versus when it is not financially or beneficial to you, is the question. This reflects True Loyalty!
This experience or life experience has been both empowering and liberating.
Empowering because now I know that the skills and intent I have, I can achieve anything, as long as I have the Drive & Determination!
Liberating because I am no longer worried about the material things, I am not worried about upgrading my car or projecting an image. All I need to focus on is Family, Parents, Team, Clients and our Life’s Support Staff. This has been Powerful, as strong as The Wall!!!